Examples of use of heart ache
1. Some that made her heart ache were not of her choosing.
2. A sad day! – Alan, Windsor, Berkshire This makes my heart ache.
3. But it is the roofs jutting just above the brown, stinking floodwaters that truly make the heart ache.
4. Heart ache: Britney‘s boyfriend Adnan had been denied access to her home After making the request for Britney‘s credit card, lawyer Geraldine Wyle, representing Jamie Spears, said they also wanted to enlist the help of "entertainment counsel" to assist them with the singer‘s affairs.
5. If anything will make a woman‘s heart ache, it is for her husband to take another wife. ... But I put my trust in my heavenly father, and prayed and pleaded with him to give me strength to bear this great trial.‘‘ Miles Park Romney‘s final marriage, to Emily Eyring Smith, came in 18'7, more than six years after The Manifesto.‘‘ Gaskell Romney, Mitt Romney‘s grandfather, was not a polygamist.